No. Use the putty.
The wax rings are preformed and cheaper and will not dry out as putty will.
Oils from putty soak into and discolor marble. Putty not used when putting pipe together.
Put putty under outer edge of faucet base and fasten to sink. Remove excess putty after fastening faucet.
Cement Plastered Walls can be made smooth using Wall putty and Paint consumption will be less when wall putty is used.
They literally used Silly Putty.
putty is an application program; Unix is an operating system (they aren't the same thing). putty is a secure telnet replacement using ssh to encrypt the data transmission flow.
In the old days they used to use hot lead, nowadays you can cork it with Prattley putty (putty cement).
You can use silicone as a substitute, but plumbers putty is simpler and far easier to clean up. 100% SILICONE
It is called Silly Putty. Putty is a fun toy to play with. It is similar to slime and it never dries out. No, I do not mean the grayish-yellow paste that adults use. Putty can strengths out too. The putty might not dry out and may have sparkles too. It just depends which one you got. It might bounce and make noises.
The best putty to use for this job is simple glazing putty. This is considered to be far easier to work with than caulk. It also lasts longer and will not shrink with time.
use a good putty grade resin, add fillers like talc etc , add byk additives & you are done.