The british pop duo 'Wham!'
"If You're Happy and You Know It"
Chonique Sneed & Lisette Bustamante
It's a mix between rock, pop, and alternative rock.
Mamma Mia is a song recorded by the Swedish pop group ABBA. The song is about a woman who is time and time again disappointed by her unfaithful, partner, but forgives him away.
indie rock with the pop feel
This is clearly a song created by Kmart for it's 2011 Christmas Ads. It is simply a jingle, not a song.
"Do They Know It's Christmas?" is a pop rock song.
The Holiday Song Christmas Love was first performed by pop artist Justin Bieber. It was first released in the hit Christmas album, Under the Mistletoe.
indie pop (indigo) pop (year one-what is love?) rock/soft rock (time travel) it really depends on the song/album you are talking about though.. but you could say indie pop
"Can't Help Myself" by Terrie and the Carlas
'Lonely This Christmas' was written and produced by Nicky Chinn and Mike Chapman, and recorded by Mud.
Acoustic pop
"Joy To The World," Billboard Magazine's #1 pop song of 1971. (Not to be confused with the Christmas carol of the same name.)
Christofer Drew music is Acoustic, pop!
Thriller is a pop/rock song. At times the song changes from pop to rock, to be fair if you told anyone pop they won't say it isn't.
Pop - song - was created in 2001-02.