No. You can only miscarry in the third trimester. Taking birth control pills at this stage is unlikely to have any effect on you.
Vitamin c does not cause miscarriage, you just pee it out. Nothing you can take, unless you are prescribed the abortion pill, will make you miscarry.
Vinegar will not make you miscarry.
No. Cucumbers in any shape or form can not make you miscarry.
As written in the question, miscarry You could also use: * miscarriage * miscarry * miscarried
yes a rabit does miscarry mine has
does vinegar makes you have a miscarry
Yes, when you miscarry, you will pass the umbilical cord.
what to do to prevent miscarry when two weeks of pregnancy
Pills. Special pills.
There are pills on the market that you can take to make your hair grow faster. These pills can be found online.
Any dog can miscarry. A visit should be paid to the veteriarian for a check up.