No. About half the households in US have guns. Not every gun owner in the US carries a gun. The exact stats are uncertain, but simple logic would demonstrate that it would be less than 50% of Americans that carry guns.
Well, the answer is no, but Arizona does not have gun registration, so if you can carry a gun in Arizona, you can carry any gun you legally own or possess.
You can carry a gun in Florida. A Florida gun carry permit has restrictions as well as reciprocation with certain other states. See discussion page for more details.
No, he does not carry a gun.
A bail bondsman cannot specifically carry a gun. However, they can carry a gun under Florida law as a normal citizen.
If you have a permit to carry.
It is estimated that the number is between 35 and 45%. Since most states do NOT require that guns be registered, it will have to remain an estimate.
Capitalism has nothing to do with the right to carry a gun.
Are you allowed to carry a gun on a boat in VA
There is not necessarily a "right to carry a hand gun"; however, in general, U.S. Const., Amend. II:"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
percentage of Americans live to be 93?