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When you go to get your wedding licenses your legal gardian has to sign a paper saying that you can.

A2: you would likely need to be an emancipated minor. you will have to demonstrate that you are self sufficient as an adult.

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Q: What papers are needed for a minor to get married?
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What is parental consent to marry?

When a minor's parents allow them to get married. They must sign papers, and approve the marriage.

If i married an illigal then divorced can he still get his papers?

The only way for someone in America that is illegal can get papers is if they are married to someone in America. The person would have to stay married in order to keep the papers.

You are currently married and the property that you owned while you were married went into foreclosure and now you are filing for divorce does this change the type of papers needed to file for divorce?

That is a question you should ask your lawyer.

How can a minor get a car loan?

A minor can not get a car loan ithout a parent signing the papers.

Does father of married minor have to pay child support?

No, when married the minor becomes emancipated.

Can i nortarize a minor in California?

A notary confirms that a signature on a document is truly that of the person identified in the document. The age of the person does not matter.

Can a minor get married to someone of age?

Not in america. But a minor may be legal somewhere else to get married.

Do you have to pay child support in Illinois even if minor got married?

No, once a minor get married they are emancipated.

Can a minor get married with parental consent in California?

It will depend on the age of the minor. If they are over 16, yes, they can get married with permission.

Can an illegal alien get papers if they are married to someone with the papers but haven't got a greencard yet?

Yes they can.

Do you have to fill out papers to get engaged?

No. It is just a commitment to get married. Filling out papers only happens for marriage.