

Best Answer

Saint Nicholas

Kris Kringle

Father Winter

Father Christmas

Baba Chaghaloo

Baba Noel


Babbo Natale

Gaghant Baba

Pere Noel

Papa Noel

Papai Noel

Daidi na Nollaig

Deda Mraz

Dyado Koleda

Vader Kersfees

Viejo Pascuero

Dun Che Lao Ren




Kaledu Senelis

San Niklaw


Swiety Mikolaj

Pai Natal

Mos Craciun

Ded Moroz

Daidain na Nollaig


Noel Baba




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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

St.Nick, Kris Kringle ( oddly a scathing parody on Krist kindl The Christ Child which is realy what Christmas should be about!) Father Christmas, Pere de Noel (same thing in French), Old St.Nick, there are one would imagine, regional variants.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Santa Claus is a figure of holiday spirit and child's fantasy play. He is round, jolly, and dressed in a red suit. Santa Claus, or St. Nick, or Father Christmas, whoever he is, 'gives' presents to children all over the world every Christmas Eve. His Jolly laugh is the most memorable for a fictional character, and he and his eight tiny reindeer fly all night long, eat cookies and carrots and go home for another 364 days.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Santa is otherwise known as Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Santa Claus, Saint Nicolas and Saint Nick!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

fat cherry man

secret santa

your parents

"hohoho" man

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well there are so many, it would be hard to make a comprehensive list, but here are some of them:

Father Christmas

Kris Kringle

Saint Nick

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βˆ™ 17y ago

# Santa Claus (or Santa) # St. Nicholas (or St. Nick) # Father Christmas

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βˆ™ 13y ago

His nickname is saint nicholas.

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What other name is santa clous known by?

The correct spelling for the jolly man associated with Christmas is Santa Claus. Other names for this man include Father Christmas. Kris Kringle and Saint Nicholas.

What do children in England call Santa?

In England, Santa is known by a few names, including: Santa, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Old Saint Nick.

3 Columbus boat names?

His ship was called Santa Maria. Well known other boats were Pinta and niňa.

Where does Santa Claus live tell you the truth?

North pole I happen to believe that Santa lives in the hearts of everyone on earth. He is known by other names as well. Like, compassion, empathy, and generosity.

What other names is Father Christmas known as?

- Santa Claus - Saint Nicholas - Pere Noel in French - Kris Kringle - Saint Nick

Is it true that Father Christmas is also known as stNicholas?

Yes. St. Nicholas or St. Nick is called Father Christmas in some cultures, St. Nick in other cultures, and just Santa Claus in other cultures. In other countries, Santa has other names.

What is the other English names for santa cluas?

Father Christmas

Which saint is known as the Santa Claus?

santa Claus is known as the saint "Nicholas" for that most of you know in other types countries.

What are other names for Santa?

Saint Nickolass. Santa Mrs. Clause. Kris Kringle Father Christmas Bad Ass Fred

What does Britain call Santa?

Some people in Britain call him Santa Claus, but others call him Father Christmas, and other names.

What is the amiercan saying of Father Christmas?

he is known by many names like Kris Kringle, and St. Nicholas but in America we mostly just call him Santa or Santa Clause

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