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Slaves also harvested crops such as tobacco, indigo, rice, sugar cane, and various types of fruits and vegetables depending on the region and time period. These crops were labor-intensive and contributed to the economy of the southern United States.

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Q: What other crops besides cotton did slaves used to harvest?
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What other crops besides cotton did use to harvest?


Was souths ecoonomy based on slavery?

yes, it was. they needed the slaves to harvest their crops, such as cotton

How did early colonists harvest their tobacco crops?

Slaves, or as the early settlers called them, black "indentured servants", were used to pick tobacco. Later on slaves were used for other crops, like cotton.

What crops did slaves harvest and grow?

Slaves in the southern United States commonly harvested and grew crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, and sugar cane. These crops were labor-intensive and required significant manpower to cultivate and maintain.

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The largest concentration of slaves in North America was in the southern states. They used slaves extensively to harvest labor intensive crops like cotton.

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After seizing lamd from Native Americans lets not forget it was slaves who was used to harvest cotton crops.

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Slaves were uses through out history to do just about anything. Slaves in the carribean were first brought in to harvest sugar cane for Europe. The malasses produced during the process led to the discovery of rum by slaves. Slaves in the US were many harvestors of cotton and tobacco. They also did mostly all manual labor including the construction of the Capitol and the first White House.

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Behind the cotton crops

What did slaves harvest?

Slaves harvested a variety of crops such as cotton, sugar cane, tobacco, rice, and indigo, depending on their location and time period. They were forced to work long hours in harsh conditions to cultivate and gather these crops for their owners' profits.

What affects did slavery have on agriculture?

They made slaves grow crops and harvest them.

What is the indigo connection to slavery in the south?

Indigo shared the same connection as rice, tobacco, and cotton. The harvest of these crops was labor intensive. Slaves were used to fulfill the need of manual labor.