In the Geronimo Stilton book series, "Happy Birthday Geronimo" is book number 74.
"Happy Birthday to You!" by Dr. Seuss was published in 1959. It is a classic children's book that celebrates the joy of birthdays and imagination.
"Happy Birthday, Bad Kitty" by Nick Bruel is about a cat named Kitty who is not happy about her birthday. Kitty receives a bunch of gifts from her owner and reacts in her usual comical and mischievous ways, creating havoc and chaos. The book follows Kitty as she experiences a tumultuous birthday celebration.
You should obviously tell her "Happy Birthday" and that you love her, but you have to do it in an interesting way that actually means something! Creating something like a Love Book would be ace - it lets you create and print a book of all the reasons you love her. Check Out LoveBookOnline - they do a great job of this.
Brittany Turner is the founder of the Happy Birthday Book Foundation. See the link below.
The song "Happy Birthday" is recognized as the most-recognized song in the English language according to the Guinness World Records.
The odd numbered pages are typically on the right side of the book when you open it; the even numbered pages will be on the left.
Molly McIntire (American Girl) was born on April 22, 1934. Therefore she turned 10 years old in the book "Happy Birthday, Molly!" set in 1944.
That is not a numbered book. It is a guide almost with short stories in it.
The pages of a book are numbered from 1 to 128. How many page numbers contain the digit 6?
Trigger Happy - book - was created in 2000.
Happy Days - book - was created in 1995.