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You seem like a really nice kid. Please, don't do this. Not even once.

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Q: What nostril do you use to snort coke?
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Can you snort a 512 Percocet?

You can snort anything that will fit into your nostril.

Where do astronomers snort coke?

They use the bathroom like anyone else in a house or building. They use the restroom, they are astronomers, not astronauts.

How much does ben cousins earn?

enough to snort $200,000 worth of coke a year.

Why would a male teenager grow out his nails?

To use the underside of the long nail to snort cocaine, "Coke Pinkies" can be seen on Ozzy osbourne and snoop dogg

Can you snort reglan?

It would certainly be possible to snort reglan. However, most pills are going to be a form of metoclopramide HCl. This means that hydrochloric acid will go into your nostril and could seriously damage the soft tissue of your nasal cavity. Do not try this!

How do you enjoy math class?

snort some coke and some acid tabs then its a awesome math class

What is sapphire bath salt?

It's basically. Legal Coke based ectasy in powder so you snort it.

Is it safe to snort Adderall xr?

It's not necessarily dangerous but it will burn very badly.

Will your nose blow up if you snort Cocaine?

Nothing quite so dramatic; it might just cause your nasal septum to collapse, leaving you with one big nostril.

What happens when coke and mint mixed together?

Warning! Do not drink coke and have amint at the same time! it could kill you because they mix and fizz up and block your nostril holes to stop you breathing.

You got a fingernail stuck in the roof of your mouth how do you get it out?

If you got a fingernail stuck in the roof of your mouth, you should get it out very carefully. You can use a pair of tweezers or a toothbrush.

Is it bad to smoke weed after surgery?

no, it is not bad to smoke weed after surgery. it's very good for you but to recover faster snort a line of coke.