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All of them. Seriously.

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Q: What nose shape do guys like?
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What shape is Selena Gomez nose?

good question...... i think the shape is a mmmmmm....... PRETTY SHAPE!!!!!!!!!!!! her nose a little round shape and her nose has an attractive look it is like a sweet button nose on a teddy's face

What shape of nose does a nose piercing fit best?

any nose, really. unless you have a flat, wide nose.

Do guys like bellybutton or nose rings better?

Bellybutton! Nose rings sometimes freak guys out... Go for the bellybutton ring and hit the gym every day for a couple weeks, you'll have sexy abbs and and a hot accessory to match. Imagine you walking down the beach with guys eyeing the new you! I don't know about you but I get chills! I'm excited for my spring break now!Opinions by other contributors:It really depends on the guy. I personally don't like piercings at all, but I can imagine other guys might like bellybutton piercings. I think nose rings would be more of a turnoff for most guys.

What does Bill from Tokyo Hotel look for in a lady?

He looks like a lady because of the shape of her chin and nose.

What is the effector of a nose?

The effector of the nose is the muscles that control the movement of the nostrils and the upper lip, allowing for actions like flaring the nostrils or wrinkling the nose. The effector muscles work in response to signals from the brain to adjust the position and shape of the nose.

What kind of shape is callisto?

The shape is your mom :) love you guys

Can you please give me a shape poem a dog poems?

like a poem like a dog like a tail like a nose like a pore like a door whatever do the konga

What bones give shape to the nose and jaw?

The shape of the jaw comes from a bine called the Mandible. The shape of the nose comes from cartilage that projects from tha Nasal Bone (shapes only the very top part of the nos) and the Maxilla.

How do you change the shape of your?

you have to undergo nose rhinoplasty.

What is a physical feauter?

There is no such English word as "feauter". However a "physical feature" is something like a cliff, mountain or the shape of a nose.

What is the shape of leprosy?

it is as big as a guys eye brow hair and the shape of a arrow

What is shape of papaya leaf?

You guys are idiots!!!!!