Kaj Goldberg's mother is American. Kathleen Goldberg was born Kathleen Peterson in the US Virgin Islands. Her ethnicity is primarily black mixed with Danish.
Kaj Goldberg is a news and weather anchor for KCBS. He is married and has three children. Details are scarce about Goldberg's wife and it is not known what nationality she is.
Kaj Goldberg is American. He was born in Los Angeles, California. However, his father is from Egypt and his mother is from the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Batista comes from the Philippines(his father's nationality) and from Greece(his mother's nationality).
I asked my Mother and Father what my nationality is.
Kaj Nohrborg's birth name is Kaj Valfrid Nohrborg.
Kaj Ellertsson's birth name is Kaj Georg Ellertsson.
Kaj Rainer's birth name is Kaj Rainar Hendunen.
Kaj Mogens's birth name is Kaj Mogens Jensen.
Kaj Steveman's birth name is Kaj Roger Steveman.
Kaj Chydenius's birth name is Kaj Oskar Chydenius.
Marco Polo's mother was of Venetian heritage.
The Goldbergs is on your local affiliated ABC network channel.