depends on the size. If its a smaller one to the step up step down move they use in aerobics. Now if its one of those big ones round offs, back flips, front flips, toe touches, or just jumping around. try to jump your highest it uses all of your muscles and it burns the best calories.
Trampolining is the second fastest calorie burner on the planet, if you use the trampoline correctly and do routines. It can burn calories 3 times faster that jogging. Jogging @ 5.5kms per hour may burn 407 calories per hour (depending on various other factors). So 20 minutes on the trampoline may burn the same amount of calories depending on various factors such as your weight, level of fitness, etc. It is important that you learn a few basic moves and put them into a routine to gain the full benefits of the Trampoline exercise.
About 10 minutes of stepper burns about 100 calories.
A trampoline is VERY useful! It helps you burn calories & is just plain fun! You can learn how to do stuff & that would really make it more fun, and you can invite friends over. Just remember that you should have a trampoline with an enclosure for that
Nothing is impossible but the only limit is how high you can bounce on the Trampoline which will limit you to moves.
i no that 30mins on the trampoline is equivilent to running 3miles if this helps?
Depends how long you rake the leaves because about almost all the moves you make u burn calories for instance me typing I'm burning 2 in a half caories and if u laugh u burn 3 and a half.
The more vigorous the workout, the more calories per hour the exerciser will burn. Full body workouts tend to burn more calories per hour than partial body workouts. An elliptical machine, for example, where the user moves their arms, will burn more calories per hour than a stationary bicycle. Sports such as running, hiking and racquetball also burn a high number of calories per hour.
Trampoline exercise strengthens each and every muscle, organ, tissue and cell in your entire body. Most other exercise programs are designed to strengthen only voluntary muscles or isolated muscle groups. Trampoline exercise strengthens your whole body inside and out, including cells in the liver, kidneys, bladder, heart and lungs. Externally your skin will smooth, tighten and you will look more youthful, diminishing lines and wrinkles; you will get a natural face lift. I know it doesn't answer the question completly, but jumping on the trampoline is great excercise. So if you jump on the trampoline alot, you are bound to lose weight.
300 calories.
You Burn 100 CALORIES But when you smile the strongest you burn 1,000 Calories
On the trampoline It's easy
How long it would take to burn 5 grams of fat on a mini trampoline depends on how heavy you are. If you weighed 150 lbs. , it would take about 10 minutes on a mini trampoline to burn 5 g of fat.