Linoone learnes Level 1: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Headbutt Level 5: Tail whip Level 9: Headbutt Level 13: Sand attack Level 17: Odor Sleuth Level 23: Mud Sport Level 29: Fury Swipes Level 35: Covet Level 41: Slash Level 47: Rest Level 53: Belly Drum
Yes, Linoone is able to learn Dig by TM.
not all grass type Pokemon can learn surf so i just caught a zigzagoon evolved it (at level 16) into a linoone and you can teach linoone surf so there you have it i hope this helped
Linoone doesn't learn dig unless it is taught the move dig......
Linoone is a normal type of Pokémon. It evolves from a Zigzagoon. It can't learn the move dig unless you use a TM.
Linoone and Slaking.
Linoone doesn't learn Surf on it's own. You need to teach it from HM. For more info click link below.
Linoone can learn Dig by using the TM Dig. It cannot learn Dig by leveling up.
linoone and furret
Linoone does not learn Dig by leveling up, instead it needs the TM to learn Dig.
Linoone is a Normal type Pokemon. Fighting moves are the only ones that are supereffective (2X damage) against Normal type Pokemon. The only type they are immune to is Ghost.
To teach Linoone ExtremeSpeed, you can level it up to level 49 when it will automatically learn the move. Alternatively, you can use a Heart Scale to teach it at the Move Reminder.
Any water Pokemon besides magikarp and also linoone can learn surf as well.