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By week 38 usually. It's from that week you can expect to go into labor, from week 38-40.

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Q: What month is the baby fully developed?
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yes. Lungs are more fully developed, etc.

How common is three month premature babies?

This is not common at all. Your baby doesn't have fully developed lungs at this age. This can be dangerous.

When is the fetus' limbs fully developed?

In the 3rd Month of development.

Are a 7 months baby's lungs fully developed?

Not at all!

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Fingerprints are developed by 17 weeks in the womb.

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When it's fully developed

At what point in time will the fetus begin to make full use of the lungs?

A baby's lungs usually become fully developed within a month of being born, and this is why premature babies need special care.

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many eggs are released one a month once the woman is fully developed

How long does a baby take to be fully developed in the mother's body?

A baby is considered fully developed and ready for birth around 39-40 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the baby has matured enough to survive outside the mother's womb.

Can a baby kangaroo walk on the day it is born?

No. It doesn't even have fully developed legs at the time of birth.

What Does Fully Developed?

tell me what fully developed means

Could an 8 lb baby be premature?

My mother delivered my youngest brother a month and a half early, He weighed 7 lbs 8oz. The only issue he had was that one of his lungs wasn't fully developed, he spent about a month in the neonatal unit, and now is a healthy 11 year old.