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Q: What month has the least amount of birthdays?
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What month has least birthdays?

The least amount of birthdays is in Febuary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What month has the least birthdays?

February.....because it only has 28 days (29 on leap years). Statistically it has the least amount of birthdays.

Which month has the least birthdays?

February has the fewest birthdays because it is the shortest month of the year.

Which month has the 2ND amount of birthdays?

oh gosh, how would anyone know what month has what amount of birthdays? there are people being born right this second as you're reading this. have a survey!

What day of the week has least amount of birthdays?

The day of the week that has the least amount of births is Sunday. The day of the week with the most amount of births is Tuesday. Of course each year the day of the week that their birthdays fall on will change.

What month has the least birthdays in it?

At least twenty people are born around the Earth every day. so the least would be February.

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in what month is the least amount of milk sold in austrailia? in what month is the least amount of milk sold in austrailia?

What month has most popular for birthdays?

The month that has the most popular birthdays is october and August.

What is the least popular month of a birthday?

the least popular month is february because it has the least amount of days.

Which month has the least amount of days?


What month has the least amount of precipitation?

This can vary depending on location, but generally, the month with the least amount of precipitation is usually during the summer in regions with a dry season.

Least amount of days month?

The least amount of days in a month is 28 days, as seen in February during non-leap years.