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Q: What might women take with them on a date?
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Why do men date women who are already involved with another man?

Because they like the women in question. They might think they have a chance.

Where will Nick Jonas take a girl for a date?

He might take her to a resturaunt and then a movie!!

What do women what in a date?

Women want to have fun and feel safe on a date. They also like to laugh, feel comfortable, and be treated well on a date. A fun date might include a movie, dinner, dancing, or even something simple like pizza and a walk.

How long did it take for women to get their rights?

Around the mid 1800s. Still are to this date

Where do women keep their money in a nightclub?

When in a nightclub, women might keep their money in a purse, in their pockets or even in their bra. If a woman is at the nightclub with a male date, she might ask him to hold her money for her in his wallet.

If you ask a women out and she asks who is going with us what does this mean?

It most likely means, "is it a double date?" or she might be worried that you're not the man she hopes you are, you could take her somewhere with a group of guys and abuse her.

Why does a guy do stuff for you but wont date you?

He might be too shy to date you, or feel embarrassed. He might even just take you as a very good friend.

Would a Jonas brother date a women of color?

If they are sensible they would date people on their personalities not their physical looks But they might have a certain type Maybe, maybe not

Would joe Jonas date a 22 year old women?

He might.. He is only One year younger....

Is it safe to take AZO Standard past expiration date?

The expiration date is how long the medication is guaranteed to be potent for. You should be fine to take it past its exp date, just might not work as well.

Would Daniel Radcliffe date an American What sort of qualities does he enjoy in a women?

i think he might like an American girl

What do women think of guy that might be good looking but has a disability Like paraplegic amputee's ect?

I thought "I hope you ask me out on a date" and he did.