The word might means strength or powerful.
It can also mean possibly, as in "He might go out tonight."
it means your fly might be un-done it means your fly might be un-done
You might means fortuitous, which means fortunate or lucky.
Probabilistic means that based on the chance that something might or might not happen.
The word might means strength or powerful. It can also mean possibly, as in "He might go out tonight."
Would means you might do it or you could do it but you can't; will means you are going to do it for sure.
Capability means you "can" do it. Feasibility means you "might be able" to do it.
no, but that just means he might be a slow grower. but when hes an adult he might be about 5foot 9inches
A corridor might lead to a classroom because it means a long hallway. :>
it means you think it might be over but it is not
The prefix "intro-" means in, into, inward or within. There might be others.
it means they might not get you any money, but they will charge you for the money they lost.