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A note that says, "Better luck next year."

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A lump of coal or a note from Santa reminding them to be good next year.

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12y ago

A lump of coal.

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Q: What might a naughty child find in their stocking on Christmas morning?
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What are some examples of gift stocking fillers for a child at Christmas?

Stocking fillers for a child at Christmas can be almost anything suitable. Small toys, jigsaws, crayons, colouring books are all small presents that can be easily fitted into the stocking.

When did the lump of coal in the stocking start?

the history of coal in a Christmas stocking is nothing more that being left of the toy list as a result of bad behavior. when stockings were being filled the the gift giver reaches down by the fireplace to the bin grabs a hunk or two coal and stuffs the naughty child's stocking while placing toys in the stockings of those children who have been a joy to their parents.

What are the bad points of a Christmas stocking?

Well, if you were a naughty child, you could get coal in your stocking, which isn't fun and just plain messy. Also, if Santa Claus gave you chocolate and manderine oranges, and you only ate the chocolate, the oranges would be pretty gross after a couple of weeks hanging over the fireplace. Some people may argue that it takes away the true meaning of Christmas. Others might try to convince us that it just spoils the child.

What 3 things can be found in a poor child's stocking around Christmas time?

usually a scrap of bread and an orange!

What would you find in a Christmas stocking of a Scottish child?

A kilt and/ or a bar of french chocolate and also money , fruit , coal and shampoo and that . :)

A simile for The dogs response was as eager as a?

The dog's response was as eager as a child on Christmas morning.

What is gautham?

gautham is the name for a perfect naughty child . this name is for a naughty , good and funny person

Why do Germans celebrate Christmas on December 24th?

On the Wallaby's original answer:Germans do not restrict their Christmas celebrations to the 24th of December. Christmas Day is also important. The German tradition of celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve comes from the old belief that Christ was born in the evening, rather than on Christmas morning. Germans and, in other countries, Lutherans with German ancestry, open their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Eve service is a celebration of the Christ-child which, to many people, is more significant than Christmas morning services.

Why do parents abuse there child?

because the child might be being naughty or silly.

Who give there child there presents during Christmas Eve?

Santa Clause brings them during the night, and your parents pass them out in the morning.

What do you call a kid that opens everyone's presents on Christmas morning?

It depends on how you look at it. You could call the child excited and enthusiatic, or you could call the child selfish and rude.

What do you say when your child says I am not talking to you?

You say that is Naughty.