What kind of sick? You need to call your doctor and ask. When pregnant you can never take any medication without asking the doctor first.
It says on the package that pregnant women should not use it.
Just take your medicine just like you always do and take extra care when you get sick. That's all.
That drug is probably paracetamol. It is safe in pregnancy.
Does 5 month pregnant woman take medicine for miscarriage?
Take vaccines and medicine's.-Ms.Aki
You must not take this medicine without consulting your doctor as it is very strong antibiotic drug. Please always consult your doctor if you need to take any medicine.
My sister has depression and has to take pills for it and she was told by her doctor she would ave to stop taking the pills before getting pregnant =] Xo Kat
yes if you're you're not sick but if you are then no.
Pregnant women should take as few chemicals as possible.
The Mayans took care of the sick by their medicine...for example with special plants.
NO. Pregnant women should not take any kind of drug unless it is ok'ed by their OBGYN
You can buy vitamin tablets especially for pregnancy women, but the most important thing is folic acid. If you wanted to take medicine for headaches, pains etc, just take paracetamol or try natural remedies (rest, cold compress, etc)