It means that when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol so does the fetus. So she is not drinking alone.
A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant.
A teetotaler is a person that does not drink alcohol.
yup that can happen by time travle. if the female was left alone with her own grandchild & never was pregnant with her child & the futune child become a parent & sent their child in the past before the parent mother was pregnant & the parent give their child to their mother before she become pregnant with them & than the parent mother never become pregnant with them & she was left alone with her non-exist child their child witch it is her grandchild & she become a grandmother with out giving birth to her child that did't exist at that time before she did't get pregnant & die never give birth to non-exist child who the grandchild parent never exist in time & it was just grandchild & the grandmother.
No, she has been pregnant 100 times this year alone!
A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant. A nullipara is a woman who has never delivered a baby.Inflected Form(s): plural nul·lip·a·ras ornul·lip·a·rae \-ˌrē\: a woman who has never borne a child-compare nulligravida
It depends on your meaning of alone, yes a man can live and survive without the comfort of a women. But if you are regarding by ones self, no. Man has never been alone, nature washere first and we are not masters of it.
This quote suggests that truth will always prevail, no matter the circumstances. Those who hold noble thoughts and virtues will never be alone as they are accompanied by the strength and guidance of their principles.
Never Gonna Be Alone was created in 2008.
Never Alone - song - was created in 2004.
No Never Alone was created on 2004-05-17.
She was never pregnant. -.-
The duration of Never Die Alone is 1.47 hours.