(A general area); So if I told, a friend, that I was thinking about moving, and they wanted to know where, they might ask me....
"So where are you thinking about moving to, location wise?"
(My Response): "Southern California, maybe Los Angeles."
'Location wise' means as per each location.
It may be the applicability of something against each specific locations. i.e. The location wise stock, location wise population, location wise poverty, etc...
Elevation. "The elevation of a geographic location is its height above a fixed reference point, often the mean sea level."
This message indicates that a user attempted to search for something near a specific location, but did not provide a distance range for the search. To proceed, the user is prompted to enter a distance from the location to refine the search results and specify the proximity for the search.
Absolute location refers to the exact position of a place on the Earth's surface, typically expressed using latitude and longitude coordinates. It provides a precise and fixed reference point that helps to identify a specific location on the globe.
"Wrong location" means that something is not in the correct place or position. It could refer to physical objects being misplaced or mislocated, or it could also mean an event or situation occurring in a place where it should not have happened.
The adverb form of the adjective local is locally. It can mean nearby, or with respect to some location.
Wise people.
Intelligent, knowledgeable, wise, clever
Location Mean AREA..
what is mean Location Preferred
All Wise.
kind and wise
man the wise
to be wise, wisdom
Wise person
it mean wise person it mean smart one