if your tree smells like that, it's burning. Throw it out immediately. Fibre optics are a type of wire. . . If it smells like burning wire, then your fibre optics on the tree have caught fire!
Wolves use their sense of smell to communicate through chemical messages
Be nice and polite.1 : You have to look and smell good.2 : You have to feel confident when you're speaking.3 : Know what you are saying. Make sure it makes sense and relates to the topic.4 : Don't say ahh, or just don't repeat some of the words over and over when you're thinking.5: Make sure your teeth are clean and you have fresh breath.
You say back off kangaroo your fat ugly and you smell like poo that's been rotting in a hobo's mouth:)
A word with a favorable connotation could be 'mansion', while 'shack' has an unfavorable connotation. They are both used to describe the neutral word, 'house'. Smell--- APEX
People use air freshener to neutralize odors and kill bacteria in the air within households. The lingering scent also increases positive inner feeling for those who enjoy the smell.
That smell is actually sulfur burning off in the park's various sulfur pits.
The smell of burning hair is often described as similar to the smell of burning feathers or a strong, acrid odor.
The smell of burning sulfur resembles the scent of rotten eggs.
Well i don't. I think the real question is why do yousmell burning feathers. I can't even imagine what burning feathers smell like.It smells terrible, I regularly smell burning feathers, paint, and a strong perfume or potpourri that nobody else around me can smell.
The belt is burning up and wind is pushing the smell through the air conditioning.
It will be sulfur mostly that you smell
because it's a strong smell
Incense has a distinctive smell when it is burning.
A burning smell from a car's brakes means that you are braking very hard or there is a electrical short circuit in the car. Another reason for a burning smell may actually be coming from the car's heater.
That smell is probably your clutch burning out.
After natural burning of natural silk an ash remain and the smell is strong; the burning of artificial silk can be total.
It should smell a little like burning paper, the same with rayon. If it's polyester, it will melt. Wool will smell like burnt hair.