The Placebo Effect
No it doesn't make the pill work faster.
try wrapping the pill in a piece of ham or cheese. if you do not feed your yorkie table food then try stuffing it into a treat. if neither of these work then put the pill in its mouth close their mouth softly and blow on their nose (it makes them swallow). hope this helps
Plan B
The abortion pill works up to the 9th week. No other pill works. If you mean the birth control pill or morning after pill, it will not work as soon as you are pregnant.
Antibiotics don't delay periods but if you are on the pill you risk pregnancy since the antibiotics makes the pills not work.
makes you feel like your on meth
what is the work of anti.sleepingpills
It will.
where would i get this new pill, so that i may live 700 years longer
white oval 142