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Nuclear weapons, biological weapons, and chemical weapons (aka, weapons of mass destruction) are different from other weapons because they:

  • cause indiscriminate damage, often over wide unpredictable areas outside the intended target area
  • produce long term often permanent and disabling injuries to even those with only minor exposure
  • survivors usually must go through extensive decontamination procedures before medical personnel can treat the survivors' injuries without endangering their own lives, this will cause more fatalities either due to delay of treatments and/or inadequate or incorrect decontamination procedures
  • both nuclear weapons and biological weapons could "run away" under certain conditions and have effects on a global scale, altering the environment and/or causing plagues, affecting both combatant and neutral countries indiscriminately (chemical weapons typically cannot do this)
  • etc.
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Q: What makes nuclear weapons different than other weapons?
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What is proliferation of nuclear weapons?

Proliferation of nuclear weapons refers to the spread of nuclear weapons amongst different countries. First the U.S. had a nuclear bomb; then the Soviet Union had a nuclear bomb, followed by other countries such as the United Kingdom, France, China, India, and so on.

Does Afghanistan have nuclear weapons?

NO. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.

Were do the nuclear weapons made?

Neither the US nor Russia makes new nuclear weapons. The US refurbishes existing nuclear weapons at the Pantex plant outside Amarillo, TX. Russia has a similar facility operated by a corporation called Rosatom, but I don't know where exactly. Other countries may be making small quanties of new nuclear weapons.

Was there been a nuclear bomb dropped after 1945?

There were tests of nuclear weapons but no other nuclear weapons were dropped on other nations as an act of war. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only uses of atomic weapons on other nations.

What does the nuclear weapons do to other countries?

== ==

What are the goals the other major countries involved in nuclear biological weapons?

I know of no "nuclear biological" weapons, perhaps you meant nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) weapons, which can be any one of these.

Should other nations be concerned about India and Pakistan testing nuclear weapons?

Yes hence the word NUCLEAR WEAPONS

What is a nuclear war?

A war where countries fight each other with nuclear weapons.

Why shouldn't north Korea have nuclear weapons?

They don't have any less of a right to have nuclear weapons than any other country.

What was the main purpose of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

To prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations.

Does Afghanistan or pakistan have nuclear weapons?

NO for Afghanistan; YES for Pakistan. Afghanistan does not have nuclear weapons, nor did it have nuclear weapons at any time, nor has it been accused by other countries of having nuclear weapons. Afghanistan is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for what that's worth.Pakistan confirmed its first nuclear weapons tests in 1998.

Does a country with nuclear weapons have a right to deny other countries from trying to create nuclear weapons?

Countries with nuclear weapons often push for non-proliferation to prevent other nations from acquiring such weapons. While each country has sovereignty, there are international agreements like the Non-Proliferation Treaty aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. It is generally in the global interest to limit the number of countries with nuclear capabilities to maintain stability.