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"its illegal and can kill" HAHA. what are you 80? Still stuck in the 30's there gramps?

Well, the only real bad thing about marijuana is SLIGHT lung damage, but marijuana smokers do not consume enough to cause sever lung damage/cancerzperiodz Even with that, there are other ways to consume marijuana, such as baking it into food or using a vaporizer.

if you smoke that it can make your lungs stop doing marijana.okay

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15y ago
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13y ago

Well, marijuana isn't "bad" for you. But it is a drug, and being catorgorized as a drug, it is labeled "bad". I'm not a smart person but whats so bad about laughing at everything. The one thing that probably makes it bad and its the reason a lot of people i know don't do it is because they get hungry and you want to eat. Which means weight gain if you don't pay attention to what your doing everytime you smoke and then eat.

Look it up on a website, its NOT bad for you!


that's not completely true, what so ever. marijuana can help cancer patients who don't eat, and can help people with their eyes. Yet it can cause neasua, head aches, stomach aches, and can lead to lung cancer. it's still smoke, and you're sucking it in, and right into your lungs.

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15y ago

Marajuana is not harmful to adults. It can be harmful to peoples under 21 because under 21 your frontal lobes are not fully developed. Too much consumption of THC, the active ingredient in Marajuana, can result in only a very slight loss of I.Q.

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14y ago

Cannabis is not bad for you. In fact, research suggests that it may be a very valuable nutritional supplement.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS), only discovered in 1988 but now known to be fundamental to life, is the reason that the natural supplement of the plant is a good, good thing. A nutrient that can benefit us all.

The ECS, present in mammals, fish, reptiles and birds, is now known to be vital in pain relief, sensation, appetite, taste, weight control, mood, memory, motor skills and fertility. Contrary to the idea that each pull on that joint kills millions of brain cells, in fact the ECS facilitates neurogenesis, the birth of neurons. In 2003, the US government registered US patent no. 6630507 for cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants for limiting neurological damage following stroke or physical trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia.

Cannabinoids have been shown to have analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, anti-tremor, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-emetic and appetite-stimulant or appetite-suppressant properties.

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15y ago

A lot of people say that you cannot become addicted to cannabis but I have known many people who have been affected hugely by smoking this drug. Cannabis severely affects your reaction times which could potentially lead to fatal circumstances. For example if you are driving whilst "high" you are not only putting yourself at risk, but also the people on the roads. Say a young child walks in the road, it is possible that if you are "high" you may not react fast enough to stop, therefore putting the child and yourself in danger.
For many people cannabis is the starting point for severe drug addictions, once people have experienced the high feeling of cannabis they want to lead on to heavier drugs such as cocaine or heroin. People smoke weed to get away from their problems but it can cause other problems to arise, not only physically but financially as well. It is scientifically proven that people who smoke weed are 5% more likely to develop lung cancer in their lifetime. Also they begin to experience paranoia and become hungry all of the time and you will inevitably develop the dreaded "smokers cough" along with reduced sperm count, yellowing of the teeth and bad breath
The smoking of cannabis can also lead to severe nausia and a numbing feeling of the whole body. Your mind will wander and you will become out of control of your own body. You will feel panic and also strangely distant, which can lead to short term memory loss

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15y ago

pot makes the endorphins in your head go crazy, meaning it makes you happy. that unnatural overdose of joy is bad for your brain and brain cells die and you get stupider.

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13y ago

The most unhealthy thing in marijuana are carcinogens, which cause cancer. it is important to note that carcinogens are found in the air you breath everyday, and that sunlight in high doses can cause cancer as well. So the true health dangers of marijuana are very low. Marijuana does make you extremely lazy though, so there is a high danger of making you cancel all your plans for the day in favor of answering questions on

Like the guy said carcinogens are found in everything from soda to bacon. You significantly increase your risk if you roll your Mary Jane with tobacco; then you might as well be smoking a cigarette, which we all know is bad for you.

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11y ago

because you can kiss my tip thats why

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marijuana will do this but please don't

Why marijuana is bad for your health?

Marijuana is not bad for your health because its like a medicine.What it is bad for is that it causes your brain to make dopamine and it has also been known to cause paranoia.It also takes the pain away for example a headache or stomach etc. If you do too much of it though then is it bad for your lungs and it also makes you slow.

How does smoking marijuana affect your body?

The marijuana makes you high, and it makes you feel happy. It also makes your eyes red.

How bad is marijuana on the lungs?

bad but not as bad as smoking ciggarettes

What was marijuana used for?

they sometimes give it to cancer patients it soothes & relaxes you... but it can have a bad effect on your health; it makes you crazy. surprisingly though, its effects on your physical health are not as bad as nicotine

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Is it bad for people in this world to smoke marijuana.

What makes your body want marijuana?

Nothing, Marijuana is non-addictive.

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It bad to smoke marijuana - simple!

Does marijuana prevent the formation of DNA?

No, but marijuana is bad for you anyway, not to mention illegal.

How bad can marijuana hurt you?

it cant...................

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Why is marijuana considered to be bad?

It's considered bad because it makes you feel "high" and you lose control of your judgement and thinking skills, like alcoholics do. Also, many people who start using marijuana later go on to try using worse drugs like heroin or cocaine because marijuana isn't strong enough for them, so it's called a "gateway drug."