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It is not possible to answer this question with just the serial number. It most likely is made in China

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Q: What make is your air rifle serial number 095868?
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How do you find the make of a rifle all you have is serial?

You can't. One serial number is NOT unique to only one rifle in the world. Sorry.

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The make and model of the rifle need to be known before an answer can be given. Serial numbers are not unique to a single firearm.

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We need make, model, and condition, Serial number imparts no information.

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Impossible to answer without the serial number.

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It is impossible to do with just the serial number.

How do you find out how old a rifle is off serial number?

Whther or not you can depends on the rifle. There are multiple databases for different rifles- and for some rifles, no database. One method is to post a question here listing the make, model, serial number, and all markings on the rifle.

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A serial number alone does not provide enough information to answer your question. More than one gun can have that serial number. What make? What model?

What year did they make model 94 Winchester serial number 3407678?

With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was produced in the year 1971.

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Browning did not make the Model 70, Winchester did. Also, the serial number is not a valid Browning serial number for a 7mm Magnum rifle. Please doublecheck your information.

What is a 30 30 rifle worth serial number 133756?

No way to answer this without knowing make and model.

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We need make, model, caliber, not serial number alone. Sorry

What year did they make us springfield armory model 1903 with the serial number of 1264957?

With the serial number that you have supplied;your Springfield model 1903 rifle was made in the year 1924.