I suggest you contact Falcon directly at (sales@falcon-airguns.co.uk) and ask them
Falcon air rifles are made by Falcon Pneumatic Systems Limited, located in Sussex, England. Or do you mean "What Model?" It's most likely one of the Prairie models. You can e-mail them at sales@falcon-airguns.co.uk
The serial number 4279990 is a partial serial number for this rifle. To determine the date the rifle was manufactured you need to provide a complete serial number that begins with letters.
You have listed the model number of your rifle,not the serial number.
Not a serial number if that is on a Sears or JC Higgins rifle. Might be a serial number on an Ithaca rifle. Please list all the markings on the rifle, just as they are on the rifle. sales@countrygunsmith.net
The rifle had the serial number C 2766.
By the serial number on the rifle.
Your Marlin rifle was made in the year 1987,with the serial number provided.
With the serial number that you provided,your Marlin rifle was produced in the year 1979.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Marlin rifle was made in the year 1996.
Your serial number indictes that your Marlin rifle was made by them in the year 1985.
were is the serial number at on a Winchester modal 94 3030 rifle