there is no real 'maintenance' for the extractor or ejector. they work or don't work (when broke). just wipe clean after shooting............................
When the slide or bolt moves to the rear, part of that bolt- the extractor- grips the rim or groove of the cartridge case, and pulls it out of the chamber. At the end of the stroke, another part, the ejector, flips the cartridge out from under the extractor, and out of the gun.
The EJECTOR. The EXTRACTOR withdraws the empty case from the chamber, but the EJECTOR throws it out of the firearm.
Dirty, broken or worn extractor/ ejector. Take it to a gunsmith.
firing pin , breech block, and extractor and ejector mechanism
Rings, extractor/ejector, firing pin. forearm
Bolt and bolt carrier group
no. the bolt is push feed with a button ejector and plate extractor vs. a standing blade ejector and mauser style claw extractor in the pre 64's.
The 2 most probable answers are that it needs a good cleaning,or that the extractor or ejector are broken.
Almost impossible to say without having the gun in hand. The two most likely reasons are that parts are dirty, or parts are worn/broken. I would start with a thorough cleaning, with special attention to the chamber, bolt, and extractor/ejector. If that does not cure the problem. look for wear or breakage of the extractor/ejector.
I hope we're on the same page here. Is your gun a single barrel break action? In my reference, the Long Range field grade is listed separately from the trap grade. But the only difference is that one has an extractor and the other an ejector. With an extractor, NRA Very Good = $300, Excellent = $350. With an ejector, $450 and $550.
The ejector located inside the left side of the receiver is drug reward by a leaf spring on the bolt on this rifle. The ejector has a shoe on the forward end which is part of the chamber and assists the extractor in removing the cartridge from the chamber. About halfway to the open position a coil spring located in a slot on the left side of the receiver under the thin metal cover overcomes the bolt spring pressure and pops the ejector loose and returns it to its forward home position. As the bolt continues rearward a lip on the back end of the ejector contacts the cartridge case rim and kicks it out when the bolt is fully rearward.