No, it is the present participle of "to sing" and may be a verb, noun (gerund), or adjective (e.g. singing carolers).
Slaves in the field used to sing to make time pass by and keep their spirts up.The kind of songs they sang were spiritual songs that helped them feel more relaxed and to keep them to the rhythm without getting tired and sleeping.
There are many songs that kids love to sing along to in the car. Some of the songs kids love to sing along to are "The Wheels on the Bus" and "Old McDonald".
Slaves in the field used to sing to make time pass by and keep their spirts up.The kind of songs they sang were spiritual songs that helped them feel more relaxed and to keep them to the rhythm without getting tired and sleeping.
Easy songs to sing are songs by country pop singer Taylor Swift. Her range is small in most of her songs and they sound super nice when you sing them. Others are songs like "Only Exception" by Paramore. I find that song simple to sing. Selena Gomez's songs are super easy to sing, too.
Christmas carolers
In the Western countries, people go in groups from door to door and sing songs on your front door step on Christmas Eve. These people are called Christmas Carolers
Usually songs of very questionable quality
Pop songs.
Gospel Hip-Hop
Australia does not have "carollers" who go from door to door singing carols. However, at Carols by Candlelight celebrations, and other gatherings where large groups in communities sing carols and Christmas songs, the final Carol tends to be Silent Night.
Children usually sing songs that are very catchy or that they hear off of children's shows, as they have a very upbeat tune and easy to remember lyrics for the kids to sing.
Listen Sing Along Shut the Door Hide
If you mean carolers as in people that sing carols at Christmas, I'd suggest mulled wine or eggnog. Both are typical drinks served in England around Christmas.
Cara Diogardi co wrote a song for both of them to sing.