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At the beginning of the tale, there was no relationship. At the end of the story he was like a second father to Tiny Tim.

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Q: What kind of relationship does Scrooge have with tiny Tim?
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Did Scrooge and Tiny Tim get along in the end?

Yes, in the end, Scrooge and Tiny Tim shared a positive and caring relationship after Scrooge's transformation. Scrooge played a significant role in supporting Tiny Tim and his family, showing compassion and generosity towards them.

What was Scrooge's clerk named and what was the name of his son?

Scrooge's clerk was named Bob Cratchit, and his son's name was Tiny Tim.

Who was the boy that Scrooge helped?

It was Tiny Tim Cratchit.

Who is Scrooge talking about when he say poor boy?

Scrooge is likely referring to Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit's son. Tiny Tim is a character in Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol" who is a young, disabled boy who captures Scrooge's attention and sympathy.

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he played the young scrooge and tiny Tim

How did Scrooge feel when Tiny Tim died?

Guilty He knew he could change the death of tiny Tim if he changed his attitude.

What is the name of Scrooge's assistant's handicapped son?

Tiny Tim

What did Scrooge learn from Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol?

Scrooge learned from Tiny Tim that compassion and kindness are more important than material wealth. Seeing the struggles of Tiny Tim and his family helped Scrooge understand the true meaning of Christmas and the value of caring for others. This realization prompted Scrooge to change his ways and become a more generous and empathetic person.

How did Scrooge and Tiny Tim death the same?

In the story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, Scrooge's fate is shown to him by the Ghost of Christmas Future. Scrooge sees his own gravestone before seeing Tiny Tim's empty chair. This suggests that if Scrooge does not change his ways, he will meet the same fate as Tiny Tim - death.

Does Tiny Tim die in A Christmas Carol?

The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come shows Scrooge a possible future where Tiny Tim will have died. This is one of the major motivators behind Scrooge's repentance. He reforms his ways and Tiny Tim does not die.Some versions of A Christmas Carol also state that Scrooge paid for Tim's medical treatment, and Tim grew up to become a successful businessman.The ghost of Christmas present predicts that Tiny Tim will get crushed by a crotch that is not maned by a owner

What does scrooge worry about the most of cratchit's family?

The death of tiny tim

In a Christmas carol did Scrooge pay for tiny Tim's treatment?

Yes, in "A Christmas Carol," Scrooge does pay for Tiny Tim's treatment after his transformation. This act of generosity demonstrates his change of heart and willingness to help those in need.