taking into account where he is now i'd say the right kind
What kind of tobacco is it ?Do snakes referred to smoke in your area ?Would you sit down and smoke with them if they do ?...Are snakes still allowed to smoke in your country ?
If its designed to hold tobacco or any kind of herb, yes. If its meant for liquid, no.
He used to break tobacco out of cigarettes "Gertsegovina Flor" and use it in his pipe.
Tangiers Tobacco in San Diego sells hookahs, hookah products, and tobacco. It also serves as a hookah bar and one can smoke purchases on premise if so inclined.
they smoked regular tobacco but it wasent soked in water to dim it down ____________________________________ The tobacco was grown by specialists and done in a sacred manner. Nicotiana rustica was grown by the Cherokee.
no matter what kind of smoke it is, smoke is smoke. cigarettes are alot worse for you because you are not just smoking tobacco, but binding glue, tar, paper, and few other choice ingredients. burning sage in pretty unharmfull, but too much of any thing is bad for you...
Depends what kind of smoking we are talking about. If its tobacco or weed, once probably won't kill you. If its crystal meth, that's a different story.
If we're talking about tobacco smoke, there are special deodorizing sprays you can buy that are specifically designed to kill the odor of tobacco smoke. I bought a product called Smoke Clear, made by a brand called Scents etc., which I purchased from a site called smellandtell.com. But that was five years ago, and I can't find the product, company or website anymore. I Googled "tobacco smoke odor neutralizer" and gots tons of hits for various products, but since none are the one I purchased, I can't vouch for them. The one I bought worked really well. It completely killed the odor of tobacco smoke (or at least, I think it did...being a smoker myself, I tend not to notice the smell as much). Unfortunately, it replaced the tobacco odor with a truly noxious, cloying, antiseptic kind of citrus scent. Perhaps it wouldn't have stank so much if I had diluted it, as the bottle's label suggested. But I think it still would've been pretty bad. The nasty citrus smell does lose its strength after awhile, but it never really goes away. If we're talking about marijuana smoke, then I would just use Febreeze. Marijuana smoke doesn't linger on fabric as much as tobacco smoke does.
bear tobacco chew
the Jamestown colony grew the tobacco in the 1600s