There are options where you can have less periods a year such as seasonelle/seasonique (and the generic).
You could also have your doctor prescribe your Birth Control so you only take the active pills.
Answering "If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?"
it depends,if your on the 28 pack and take ur sugar pills, it wont stop you from getting ur period.if u wanna miss ur period dont take the sugar pills and continue right away wit the new pack of pills
no. Birth control pills can stop periods altogether, shorten them, or turn them in to "spotting" If you were getting your period before you started the pills. If you stop at any time during your cycle this should bring on your period.
There is no medical reason not to take BCP to stop your period. Many young teens with heavy, severe periods have been using them for this purpose for years. Just be aware you have to take one every single day in order to stop your period.
You are suppose to be off of the pill while you have your period. The pills you take during your period are only sugar and do nothing.
The pills you take when you are on your period are sugar pills. They aren't necessary to take but are just a great reminder of when you should start the actual estrogen pills. I would take the whole pack as directed to stay in the have more chances of forgetting to take a pill if it's something you don't do me...I was on them for 16 years.
With the traditional birth control pill you take a cycle of pills every day for 21 days and then 7 days of sugar pills. In the 7 days of the sugar pills you have a period. Today, there are pills that skip the 7 days of pills and you stay on pills for 3 months and then after the cycle of 3 months you have a period. In both cases after the period you start a new cycle of pills.
yes you can just take the birth control, when you stop your period should start three to four days after.
yes you can just continue on to your next packet of your pills and have your period next month.
sometimes it may come on time or it may take a month or more it depends on your body!
umm my gf is on the depo shot and it is supposed to work better than the pills and some times she still has her period. and i have heard that some people dont have it at all. so i guess it all just depends
Some women do gain weight while on contraceptive pills, and some do not. Skipping your period, or not taking the in-active green sugar pills, will not make you gain weight, it will just skip your period.