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Q: What kind of pill is blue with a V on it?
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What is blue round pill with script v?


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what pill has a fancy V on one side and the number 2265 on the other

What pill is blue with a v on one side and 12 48 on other?

to look up stuff like that you can go to and go to pill identifier .

What kind of pill is blue and round and has e72 on it?

Lovastatin 20 mg

What kind of pill is blue and has s525 on it?

Its an over the counter tylenol pm 500mg

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What are the ratings and certificates for Rookie Blue - 2010 Poison Pill 4-5?

Rookie Blue - 2010 Poison Pill 4-5 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 USA:TV-PG (V)

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what is the pill with a V on one side and a 48 over 10 on the other side

What is the small blue pill with cursive v on one side and 48 and a 12 on other side?

it is Oxycodone immediate release 30 milligrams

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what is name of this small round white pill with 2355 on one side and v on the other what is name of this small round white pill with 2410 with v

What is a blue pill?

Many people use the term blue pill or little blue pill for Viagra. A slogan came about when it was used for erectile dysfunction: The Little Blue Pill That Could. It dilates arteries and was first used for angina (heart). It was also found to dilate other arteries and the effect on the blood flow was greatly increased. It moved from the bedroom to athletes on the field.