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Nearly every kind that anyone could think up.

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Q: What kind of nuclear weapons did the US and USSR build during the cold war?
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What was the collective name given to the massive build-up of nuclear weapons between the US and USSR called?

Nuclear arms race.

What was the name of the policy to build more nuclear weapons in order to deter the USSR from attacking the US with nuclear weapons?

Mutually assured destruction, called for short (and sensibly so): the M.A.D. Principle.

Who would USSR use nuclear weapons on?


What did SALT 1 change?

It at least got the USA and the USSR talking about strategic nuclear weapons. It made them realize that something was needed and infinite build up of weapons was not good.

What countries had nuclear weapons in 1960?

By 1960 the US, USSR, UK, and France had nuclear weapons. China got them in 1964.

What big events happened with nuclear weapons in 1949?

first USSR nuclear test

What type of weapons both ended World War 2 and caused the lack of outright war between the US and the USSR during the cold war?

Atomic and nuclear weapons.

In 1950 which country had the most nuclear weapons?

From 1945 until the late 1970s or early 1980s the United States always had the most nuclear weapons. After then the USSR/Russia has had the most nuclear weapons.

Does Lithuania possess any Nuclear Warheads?

As far as we know, no. The USSR did not maintain nuclear weapons in Lithuania.

Did the Cuban Missile Crisis which almost lead to war occurred when East Germany helped Cuba build offensive nuclear weapons in Cuba?

No, the USSR not East Germany.

What was important about the soviet atomic bomb test?

It showed that the USSR had nuclear weapons.

The race to build more atomic bombs between the US and the ussr during the cold war was called?

nuclear arms race