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Q: What kind of gun is used in the biathalon?
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Related questions

What is a biathalon?

biathalon is a cross with cross country sking and marksman ship

What is biathalon?

biathalon is a cross with cross country sking and marksman ship

What type of rifle is used in biathalon?

Bolt action .22 LR target rifle

What is the biathalon gun made of?

barrel and action is steel, The other parts can be wood or some type of fiber. Comsosite plastic, fiberglass is the make up on some.

What Olympic event requires a target?

The biathalon.

What was a blunderbuss used for?

It's an early kind of gun, so it was used for shooting

Is the Olympics games in biathalon a summer or a winter sport?


Two events in the winter Olympics biathalon?

Skiing and Shooting

What kind of shot gun does the hobo with a shot gun use?

He used a Remington 870 Police Magnum.

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How do blind people do biathalon?

Well, they ride on their helper dog the whole way!

In which olympic event do you combine shooting with skiing?

The biathlon