Check with the Loomis company. IF they want that info made public, they will let you know.
I carry a Glock 27 in an ankle holster in my boot. It felt kind of weird for the first day or two but now I don't even notice its there.
Gibb's carries a Sig Sauer P229 in all black finish and .40 S&W caliber and a Galco paddle holster.
There is no such firearm as an STG 41.
GLOCK 23 Multi purpose .40 Compact dimensions for open and concealed carry, minimum weight despite large magazinecapacity in .40 caliber. This and the reliability of the GLOCK pistol known throughout the world.
Most police departments issue a retention holster of some kind. The local police department in my city issues a Level 3 retention holster, which means three things must be done before the gun will come out. There is a thumb break that must be deactivated, then a button that must be pushed, then the gun must be tilted forward.
Carry out.
The caliber of the firearm should be stamped on the barrel.
yes but not any kind of firearm
You would have to define best for WHAT? A .300 Winchester Magnum may be a great gun for shooting at 900 meters, but is useless for hunting birds in flight. The over and under shotgun is great for birds in flight, but hard to carry under a jacket as a defensive firearm. Bottom line- there IS no ONE best firearm.
He had a version of a drop shoulder rig. I'd reccomend drop thigh though.
The Dog the Bounty Hunter team use pepperball guns. Much like paintball guns, pepperball guns have what's known as a "hopper", a chamber that holds the balls. Pepperballs are filled with mace.
Any felony of any kind.