The SPF kind... you can get it almost anywhere
the company "chapstick" has sunscreen on it
Id say strawberry??
cokacola lipstick
You can use stain remover to remove a chap stick stain.
Chap stick won't cure a cold sore.
Chap-Stick is a particular brand of lip balm.
Pfizer Consumer Healthcare owns Chap stick as a brand name. Fareva Richmond manufactures and packages Chap Stick. Pfizer has owned Chap stick since 2009.
From what I know, Chap Stick doesn't expire
you just either take it off, or eat with it on and risk licking the chap stick off your lips.
vaseline is a very good subsitute for chap stick but it makes your lips very shiny:)
No, kissing is defined to be directly pressing ones lips onto another, not the chap stick.