hi tony
i love you so much
i miss you
are you working ncis
i just need your help
Michael Weatherly
he doesnt.
Tony Dinozzo joined NCIS right from the beginning. He is one of the 3 characters (with Gibbs and Abby) to have appeared in every episode of NCIS that has aired till date
The actor who plays Tony Dinozzo on NCIS is Michael Weatherly
Anthony DiNozzo all the way, he is soo funny!
Only over video conference.
probaly yes
Michael Weatherly
Actress Scottie Thompson played the character of Jeanne Benoit in NCIS. She appeared in Seasons 4 and 5. She was romantically involved with Agent DiNozzo of NCIS. Her character broke off the relationship with Tony Dinozzo and went to a different place. Her character never came up after that date. She was romantically involved with Agent DiNozzo of NCIS.
Anthony Dinozzo, also know as Tony Dinozzo, is the special agent character portrayed in the TV show NCIS. He is not a character in any movie aired to date.
Tony was almost killed by bubonic plague from a biological attack on NCIS.
Anthony "Tony" D. DiNozzo Jr.