He wears a red woolen cap with soft fleece inside, which keeps his head and ears warm. The hat has a white furry trim on it.
A invisibility cap
a red hunters cap
fuzzy white ones.
some red hat
A ball-cap
A newsboy cap or Scally cap, with a duck bill. Sometimes called a drivers cap.
Nowadays, probably a baseball cap. It used to be a "sombrero".
The distinctive headgear of a shriner is a red fez, a kind of brimless conical cap.
sailors wore a blue coat and cap.
It'a newsboy cap or newsy cap. In french, it can also be named ''gavroche''. You can easily find this kind of cap in classic hat shop. For example, in Montreal, Henri Henri will give you the largest selection, including the exact same that rocky wear in Rocky 4. http://henrihenri.ca/fr/casquettes/index.htm
No thay dont wear hats