Ethanol (drinking alcohol). Any other forms of alcohol (there are many) can be poisonous to people (particularly methanol). Don't drink alcohol unless you know what kind it is.
Non-alcoholic drinks.
There is only one kind of alcohol in alcoholic drinks. That is ethyl alcohol.
although herbs can be used to flavour alcoholic drinks they (herbs) are deffinately not alcoholic drinks.
No. Monster Energy Drinks do no contain alcohol.
There are various ones, but usually rye can be distilled into rye whiskey.
well i think beer can be non alcoholic.
It was named after its creator, Dr. Malcom Pepper.
Rakia or shlivovitza is the Serbian national drink. It's an alcoholic drink made of plums.
All normal good drinks are allowed for Muslim to drink except Alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks are not allowed for Muslims to drink.
Gatorade and grape juice are non-alcoholic drinks. They begin with the letter g.
Soft drinks are soda-based drinks which do not contain alcohol or its components... thus it is also called a non-alcoholic drink. Alcoholic drinks are alcohol-based drinks... also known as hard drinks.