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If a guy says you're cute when you're angry, he is flirting with you because he likes you.

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11mo ago

When a guy says you're "mad cute," he is expressing that he finds you very attractive or endearing. It is a casual way of complimenting your appearance or personality.

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Q: What it when a guy say you mad cute?
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Who is mad cute?

AMaR Aka DuFFlee Baqq he is mad cute like the cute guy in the world on earth

What to say to a cute guy?

''You will do''

How do you an ex-boyfriend mad?

Date another really cute guy to make him jealous.

What do I say to a guy to make him laugh and tell me I'm cute?

You say.................................CHUCK NORRIS!!

What do you do if your guy friend says your cute?

Say thanks.

What do you say to a guy that's mad at you?

Theres no point.

Why do people get mad at people for saying kawai or kawaii when they aren't Japanese?

kawaii refers to cute.. when you say kawaai to someone.. or a friend.. you mean to say.. he/she is cute..

What do i say to a guy so they just randomly say you're cute?

say thanx.

What do you say after a guy calls you cute?

you blush and walk away or you say thanks

Will a guy call you pretty cute or beautiful if he thinks of u as just friends or does he say them cuz he like likes you?

If a guy tells you that you are cute or pretty, he is very interested in you.

Is it bad if a guy smiles when you say he's cute?

No its by no means bad so long as you really think he's cute.

How do you find a cute guy?

to find a cute guy is that just look everywhere around classroom,city,outside and school.If you found a cute guy then maybe you should go say hello or something.If the guy says hello back then invite him into your house.Once you invite him into your house say that you like him and maybe he will understand.I'm not sure if its long but I'll keep it like this