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Q: What it the time a fourth grader should sleep at?
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What time does a 8 grader o to bed?

I would say from 9:00 to 10. Try to get at least nine hours of sleep if you can but 8th graders shouldn't have to be send to bed at the same time as 4th graders!

How long should it take a fifth grader to run a mile?

When I was in 5th grade, I usually ran the mile around 11-12 minutes. The average time for a 5th grader would be 10-14 minutes. Remember, everyone has a different type of pace. Just try your best in a mile and you'll do great.

What are the dimensions of a double bedstead?

The dimensions of a double bedstead is 54 inches by 75 inches. The bed is large enough for one large adult or two small adults to sleep on at the same time.

How do you complete floor 60 in 100 Floors?

Light the two torches with your torch. Press the first drum 4 times, the 2nd drum 2 times, the third drum 1 time, and the fourth drum 4 times. See related link for screenshots.

How much should you withold on your w4?

if you claim zero on your w4, they will take the most taxes out of you. If you have dependents and you add them on when you do your income taxes, you will get that money back. even if it is just you, you should claim zero instead of one, then at income tax time you will not have to pay in, you should get back what you overpaid instead. The more dependents you put on your w4, the less taxes they will take out of your check, but at income tax time, if they did not take out enough you will have to pay in. And like me, if you like a big, big check all at once you want to claim zero, its like a way of saving money, and you get the money back at income tax time to do something big with.

Related questions

What time should a fourth grader go to sleep at?

A fourth grader should typically go to sleep between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM to ensure they get enough rest for the recommended 9-11 hours of sleep per night at that age.

What time should a fifth grader go to sleep?

It depends when they need to wake up. A fifth grader should be getting 9 hours of sleep each night. So, if they need to wake up at 6:00am they should be in bed by 9:00pm.

Should it take a fourth grader one hour to do homework?

Probably a good time - not so much that you're spending the whole night doing it, but more than just a few minutes.

What is a good bed time for a fifth grader?

It depends on the fifth grader. Depending on when they have to wake up and how much sleep they need i would suggest 8:30 to 9:30. You probably want them to get 9-10 hours of sleep. Hope this helped!

How much sleep should a fifth grader get?

fifth graders should at least get 7 hrs. or more . or someone times 6 . a good time for Fifth Graders should go to sleep is about 8:30 , or 8:45 , shower ( if shower at bed time , takes bathes) 7:30 or , 7:35 , matters when child eats . did you know? : when a child takes a shower it relaxes them, and makes them sleepy .

What time should a 2nd grader be going to bed?

second graders should go to bed at 8:00.

What time should an eight year old child sleep at?

They should sleep at 9:35pm.

what time should i sleep?


How shold you diciplin a first grader and a sixth grader?

First of all, to decipline a 1st grader you should at least spank the child, or at least hit the child lightly on the hand. But before you do give it a time out.!! Now for the 6th grader, this is when spanking, and give detention to the child.

How much time should a first grader spend on homework a day?

About 10-50 seconds.

How much time should 6 grader spend on homework?

the average 7th grader spends 2 and a half hours on homework

What time should a teen go to sleep?

A teenager needs 8 1/2 to 9 hours sleep a night to be able to function at their peak so they should go to sleep at a time that allows them to get that much sleep.