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stadatory rape

Depends on the state really. The sexual age of consent varies from state to state. In my state, it's 16. But then if the parents think the minor shouldn't be doing that they can always get restraining orders, and seek other legal action.

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Q: What it called if a minor is dating a adult?
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If an minor is dating an adult she does not live under her fathers guardianship and her father is divorced to the mother can he still get the adult in trouble with the law for dating his minor?

The law is the law and if it is being broken, anyone can report it.

If a girl is 17 dating a 34 year old how do you tell your parents?

She is a minor dating an adult man who can be charged with rape.

Adult dating a minor in Arkansas?

One example- In Arkansas, if an adult kisses a person under 16, it is considered child molesting.

What are the laws against dating a minor in your state?

In most states, it is illegal for an adult to date a minor. This is because minors are not legally able to give consent to a relationship with an adult. Dating a minor can result in criminal charges, such as statutory rape or contributing to the delinquency of a minor. It is important to be aware of the age of consent laws in your state to avoid legal consequences.

Is it penalty for a minor dating an adult?

There is no penalty because there are no laws about dating. Sexual contact is another story and the laws vary from state to state.

Can an emancipated minor and an 18 year old live together if there dating?

If the minor is truly legally emancipated he/she is an adult and so is the 18 year old so they can do what they want. The purpose of dating is to find out about the person, but living with them is more than dating.

Is it against the law for a 15 year old girl dating a 18 year old girl in the state of Florida?

no r u stupid u cant consent ur minor and an adult the minor can consentto anouther minor but not to an adult

Does a minor dating an adult four years older matter if the parents are okay with it?

Dating anyone of any age is perfectly fine, as long as your okay with it. When is comes to sexual activities though, for an adult and a minor to participate in sex with each other is illegal, so keep it non-sexual.

In California what are all the legal dating acts you can take part in if you are a minor dating an adult?

If there is an age difference greater than 3 years than there can be no sexual contact until the minor is 18. You know what is right and wrong!

What is it called when an adult has an emotional relationship with a minor?

Statutory Rape

What are the laws against dating in North Carolina?

Whether you're an adult wanting to date a minor,or a minor wanting to date an adult - either way,the adult member of the pair could find themselves in serious trouble -EPECIALLY if the word "dating" is being used to mean "having sex with." Additionally: If the minor's parents/guardian object, they could go to court and have the adult barred from having contact with their child.

Adult-minor relationship in CT?

There are no laws for dating so it's your parents who decide. For sex you must be 16 in CT.