That depends! If you are born in early September you are Virgo and late September is Libra, according to the Western Zodiac.
She was born on September 15th, making her a virgo.
The zodiac sign for a birthday on September 8th is Virgo.
Jeydon Wales is a Pisces, as he was born on February 2nd.
Sasuke Uchiha's zodiac sign is Leo. He was born on July 23.
If your birthday is on September 24th, your zodiac sign is Libra.
The zodiac star sign for September 5 is Virgo (August 24 - September 23).
She was born on September 15th, making her a virgo.
If you were born on September 28th your Zodiac Sign would be Libra.
Born 13th September, you are Virgo in the western zodiac and Brown Bear in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
what is september's zodiac sign under the third
Born on September 27, 2011, you would be born under the sign of Libra.
The Zodiac Sign for September 1st is Virgo.
September 9th falls within Virgo in the Western Zodiac and the Brown Bear in the Amerind Earth Medicine Zodiac.
He was born September 22, 1958 and is a Virgo.
He was born September 22, 1958 and is a Virgo.
Virgo is the sign for September 18.