This air rifle was made for Montgomery Wards under the Revelation brand name by Crosman. It truth it is a Crosman model 760 First variation. 1966-1970 Average price in good condition is $15.
The Revelation air gun was made by Crosman for Western auto stores. In reality it is a Crosman model 760. Crosman offers a service to locate shops that repair older Crosman models. I suggest you go to the CROSMAN home page and scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on "Service Centers" you will find help there.
Revelation GC3376 made for Western Auto by Crosman. It was the Crosman model 760 Powermaster 180, BB or single shot .177 pellet. Mfg 1966-1970 wood stock and forarm. (First Variant only for Western Auto) Orignally Mfg 1964 First Variant for Western Auto 1966 to 1970 Eight Variant mfg 1991- discontinued Value 100%=$30 90%=$20 60%=$10 ADD 300% for First Variant. (your is a first variant)
There are at least 10 different Crosman Revelation models. Which one are you asking about?
Crosman made over 10 different models of the Revelation brand for Western auto. Please state the model number AND condition of the rifle to get an estimate of value.
25-60 or so
Crosman doesn't give any information about distance. You will have to experiment on your own.
It was made for Western Auto by Crosman between 1966-70
The Revelation brand was made by Crosman Air gun. Crosman offers a free service to "Find a service center" on their Crosman home page. It will give you the location of several places that repair Crosman air guns. See the related link.
Crosman made 10 or more air rifles for "Western Auto" under the Revelation brand name. If you want an estimate of value then you must give me the model number and the current condition, something like Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition. Then I can give you an estimate of value.
It's been a long time since I've seen a question about a Western Auto Revelation air gun made by Crosman. First you will have to Identify it, the model number starts with GC3??? this identifies the crossover number to the Crosman model. With that you should be able to locate the proper parts for your gun. You can post the question with the revelation model number here or look up all the different Crosman models to identify your gun (See the link below for the Crosman owners manuals) Once identified: Crosman offers a free service to locate shops that repair older air guns. Fill in the information and it will give you the results. (See Link #2 below)
Yes! Crosman made all the BB Guns/Rifles for Western Auto under the Revelation brand name. (Unfortunately you did not state the model number so I can't tell you exactly which Crosman model it relates to.) So here is a suggestion. Crosman has Most all their manuals online you will have to go through all of them to find your model. See the link below.
there are over 100 different model Crosman airguns. You need to specify the model and the condition of the Crosman you want to know about