Bird-That-Swims - A bird that doesn't fly, but swims Cowboy-Who-Rides-An-Ostrich Boat-That-Can't Stay Afloat Spotted Elephant Charley-In-The-Box Misfit Dolly
what is the name of the train on the island of misfit toys
The square wheels seem to be a problem .
square wheels
On the Island of Misfit Toys, the king's name was Moonracer.
The island of misfit toys.
The term "Misfit Toys" typically refers to portion of a Christmas-time story/song/movie wherein Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer visits an island called "The Island Of Misfit Toys". It is an island where toys that are not desired by consumers go to live instead of be used.
He promised to tell Santa that they were on the island and ask him to find homes for all the misfit toys.
He rides an ostrich instead of a horse
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer & The Island of Misfit Toys
His name was Charlie.
Geekgasm - 2011 The Island of Misfit Toys 1-9 was released on: USA: 9 December 2011
The voice of King Moonracer (The lion on the sland of Misfit Toys) is Stan Francis.