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Q: What is value of S and W 581 nickel 4 revolver?
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What model?

What is the value of an engraved model 27 4 inch barreled unfired nickel plated revolver?

In July 2015 an unfired specimen in bright nickel with original box, papers, accessories sold on Gunbroker for $3,250.

Value of Smith Wesson 357 magnum nickel plated black grip. 4 barrel revolver?

With no more than that to go on, the best I can give you is a range of 300-3000

What is the value of a model 24 Smith and Wesson revolver with a 4 barrel?

What is the value of a model 24 Smith & Wesson revolver with a 4" barel? It has never been fired.

The value of your Smith Wesson nickel platted 38 special ctg It has a 4 inch barrel and is 6 shots Model number is 64-1?

The Model 64-1 is a revolver made of stainless steel. It it has been nickel plated, value is as a shooter only. Worth about 150 USD or so.

What is the worth of a Taurus 357 magnum revolver with a 4 barrel Nickel plated with wood grain handle?

10-400 usd

What is the value of a 1900 nickel?

4-25-11>> A 1900 Liberty Head Nickel has a value of $3.00-$5.00 for a coin in average condition.

What is the value of a smith and Wesson model 15-4 revolver?

100-425 USD

What is the value of a 357 Taurus revolver with a 4 inch barrel?

Depends on the model and condition.

What is the value of a smith Wesson 18-4 revolver?

10-1000 USD depending on specifics

What is value of smith and Wesson model 19-4 nickel 6 inch barrel?

I just purchased one (19-4 6", nickel) for $385.00

What is the value of a 1900 nickel liberty?

About $2.00 if it's grade G-4.