Systolic and Diastolic are are related to heart beats. Uterine Artery is blood vessel carrieng blood around uterous. Notches are blood flow pulses like similar to beats. Below is taken from other answers from ndtv site related to pregnency.
At 16 weeks of pregnancy it is perfectly normal for one or both main uterine arteries to show an early diastolic notch. As pregnancy advances this notch disappears. It reflects the relationship between the growing placenta and the muscles and blood vessels in the uterus. The notch disappears by 22 weeks of pregnancy. Persistence of the notch after 22 weeks is associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension, low birth weight, and higher rates of operative delivery and longer duration of nursery care. The notch can be very satisfactorily treated with medication. There is no cause for alarm at this stage.
Palpable uterine artery pulsation refers to a medical doctor feeling the uterine artery when your heart beats. Studies are underway to determine if a palpable uterine artery is a possible indicator of early pregnancy.
It means you can feel the pulses of blood flowing through your main artery in the uterus (uterine artery) just by touching the area where the uterine artery passes through.
The uterine pedicle contains the uterine artery, uterine vein, and uterine ligaments that attach the uterus to surrounding structures. It is an essential structure for providing blood supply and support to the uterus.
A recent study comparing the fertility of women who had uterine artery embolizations with those who had a myomectomy showed similar number of successful pregnancies for both groups. The long-term effect of uterine artery embolization on the ability of a woman to have children has not been fully determined.
female -uterine artery
The tortures arteries and veins in the human body are those that cause extreme pain to our bodies when a person is injured. The tortures arteries are 1.uterine artery 2.maxillary artery 3.facial artery 4.spleenic artery 5.retinal artery
Posterior Division: Iliolumbar artery, lateral sacral artery, superior gluteal artery. Anterior Division: inferior gluteal artery, middle rectal artery, uterine artery, obturator artery, inferior vesical artery, superior vesical artery, obliterated umbilical artery, internal pudendal artery
accuracy is good and less cost of operation & less maintenance required for notching machine.
b. umbilical vein
A V-shaped cut
Ear notching