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Brag is to assert or boast about something.

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11mo ago

To brag is to boast or speak proudly about one's accomplishments, possessions, or abilities in order to impress others or gain admiration. It often involves exaggerating one's achievements or qualities.

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Related questions

What is the past form of brag?

The past tense of 'brag' is bragged.

What is the past tense of brag?

The past tense of "brag" is "bragged."

How do you buy things from a brag bag on ourworld?

a Brag Bag is a bag where you can Brag about your items in the game.

What would a king brag about?

They would brag about how much power they had.

In ourworld what is a brag bag?

Its a bag where you can brag about your stuff, if you just want to brag, put your best stuff out, if you want to sell itemz you don't get money but people can buy stuff from your brag bag

Do the Clique Girlz write their own songs?

No, but! Paris wrote Brag Brag Brag all by herself! its really cool. one of my favs.

Why do Canadians brag about Poutine?

Because it's Canada. They can hardly brag about the weather.

How do you spell brag?

BRAG is the correct spelling of 'to boast.'

What are synonyms for brag other than boast and gloat?

brag, crow, vaunt, talk big, blow your own trumpet, show off

Does brag have a short a vowel sound?

Yes, "brag" has a short "a" vowel sound, pronounced like /æ/ as in "cat".

What is the past participle of brag?

The past participle of "brag" is "bragged."

Is bragged a verb?

The word brag can be used as a verb, but it can also be used as a noun, and informally as an adjective. Here are the definitions for all three.Verb: to say something in a boastful manner, to brag about something.Adjective: Something that is excellent, or first rate.Noun: Brag is also a simplified version of the card game Poker.Yes, "brag" means to boast. "Brag" can also be a noun and it's the name of a card game.