9 years old but that is really dangerous. the baby has 99 percentage of living 9 years old but that is really dangerous. the baby has 99 percentage of living
13 years old...
I was reading about this and the answer is 10.But don't try to beat that. Teen Pregnancy sucks. Believe me i know.
The teen pregnancy rate for the U.S.A is 22 pregnancies out of every 1,000 girls.
67 %
The teenage pregnancy rate has dropped to a three decade low, and dropping immensely! The teenage pregnancy rate has dropped down by about forty percent since 1990!
During pregnancy, a woman's metabolic rate increases to support the growth and development of the fetus. This means that her body burns more calories to meet the increased energy demands of pregnancy.
No. Acupuncture does not deal with the pulse rate.
according to wikipaedia the birth rate is: 55.6
About 40% in the UK
During pregnancy, a woman's metabolic rate increases to support the growth and development of the fetus. This means that her body burns more calories to meet the increased energy demands of pregnancy.
There are no public records for the youngest parents in the state of Tennessee. The birth rate for teens age 15-19 is 1,000 births a year.
Yes, since the subject 'pregnancy rate' is third person singular number, the 'is' form of 'be' is quite in order.